This book is very thick and about cookies. A very complete guide to cooke making. Produced in the UK by PAGE ONE Publisher.
(I think this book is a recent publication, I mean the publisher. I never saw it in the UK every time I was in the Cookbook sections)
(The purchase of this book is "heaven". I thought Nigella's are mostly a mixture of cooking and baking. When I made a research on this book which I took for about 30 minutes, I found it to be something that I should and must buy as it is excellent for my keepsake collections)
(Another UK product which I really love. I just had to look briefly at the ingredients (measurements and volumes) to decide whether it was worth buying, which I did.)
The story was that there was no plan to spend our time overseas, let alone to have a holiday in the midst of our princess still having her school days. It was a sheer plan out of our need to have a big break. Although unplanned, we are grateful that the holiday (our daughter's first since her last holiday in Paris in April 2001 when she was just nine years old) that we have been looking forward for, had been fruitful, enjoyable and more importantly, made the three of us closer than ever. (All three of us were like close friends and we still are. Alhamdulillah)
It co-incided with our wedding anniversary which falls on every 14 February. As we are Muslims and do not celebrate Valentines Day, it was our privilege to celebrate our special moment instead. So, it was like having two things at one time - wedding anniversary and family holiday. It was very fun and since we enjoy food that much, time was spent much on food and bookstores ( a must in my family every time we are overseas. So am I whenever I got the oportunities to do so during my working trips abroad).
Of all three book above, the most satisfying purchase is Nigella Lawson's book, it was like buying a CD bag. I really thought I had enough cookbook purchases on the first day...................but I was wrong...hehehe....
More cookbooks to be publish here, later.........