My New Collections...........
These are my new collections of cook books that help memeriahkan lagi my English Cottage Sanctuary Roommmmmmmmmm............., the fasting month and the coming Raya celebrations...................1. Chocolate & Baking (UK Edition)
Come on, take a peek what's inside.....................
3. Y3K Cookies
4. Goodhousekeeping Chocolate
5. Home Made Biscuits
6. Baking Code - Alex Goh
7. Famous Street Food of Penang
8. Simple Slices - Australian Women's Weekly
9. Biscuits & Slices - Australian Women's Weekly
10. Bread Code - Wendy Kor
These are only a few that I can paste this time........there are a lot more in my room................I am one of the winners in collecting cookbooks but I am one of those that are losers in testing the recipes........hehehe.............